Showing posts with label Dairy Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dairy Free. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Compliments, Your Food Allergies

A response to my letter to my food allergies.

I’ve heard it said that [things will] come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are [given what will] help us most to grow, if we let them… Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? Because I knew you, I have been changed for good. And just to clear the air, I ask forgiveness for the things I’ve done you blame me for. Then I guess, we know there’s blame to share, and none of it seems to matter anymore!   -Wicked


Only soup cans need labels (well, actually, because of us all food needs labels. Very detailed and accurate labels).
You have fought to give us a name, but maybe our name is just Johanna. Not “Judge Johanna for her digestive disabilities,” either. As far as we can tell, you are the only one trying to name us that anyway. We are a part of your life and a God-given part of you.
Stop trying to label us nonexistent or temporary. We might be, but the only difference that makes to you is in your refusal to get used to us, and we feel like invaders or bullies every time you encounter us.
We are only allergies, intolerances and delusions to others. To you we are just a part of who you are. Your body reacts to food. Blood tests and skin pricks won’t change us. A doctor can tell you what they think of us, a therapist can help you deal with us and a dietician will either understand us, or won’t. None of these things is going to shift the way that your body is.
Finally, stop letting ED tell you that he can make us go away. Just because your reaction can be avoided by throwing up instead of letting trigger foods fully into your system doesn’t change how your body will react to the trigger. Janna tried to tell you. It’s time to believe it. You can’t have an Eating Disorder OR us. We are a part of you that isn’t going anywhere right now.

Blame Game

We know you want your life to be our fault. Know that it is not. You have pain, suffering and ugliness even in a future where you have us under strict regulation.
We are also not your fault. We know how you feel about blaming God. This time, though, it was him. The real ugliness? That is just a bit of you and a whole heap of Satan. There is a quote that we think is a good analogy.

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

That’s us. We are just one of the contractors that Heavenly Father called in to make you into something better. We will get started as soon as you let go of the other contractors YOU hired. You keep trying to become what you were again, but unlike us, there is an outside agenda behind the contractors you brought in. They are not just cutting corners and overcharging blatantly, but beneath that they are doing damage to everything we have tried to build and crumbling the very foundations of everything you were before. Don’t call us thieves! We haven’t been the ones bullying you.
If you need to play the blame game, start with Satan. You might have thought you were doing the right thing when you invited him in, but you have to stop letting him take over this house. We aren’t here to tear you apart, those ‘besides-effects’ are just that, the necessary changes that come with heavy renovation. We are here to give you structure, teach you, and build you up. You have to start with a firm foundation, just like they tell you in church. We are of God, and we require a foundation that is of God, too.

Let There Be Light

You see that ‘light at tunnel’s end’ and we know you want it. We are here to help you get it. It is time to start accepting us, planning for us, and letting us do our jobs. You won’t be a bystander while we work, you are going to have to help us build you into a place where God can live. You have a long way to go to be ready for the extent of what we can bring to you, but there is something about doing things the right, slower way that leads to a better building. First, you have to stop calling in the other contractors. We cannot build where they have broken you while they are still here doing damage, but we can get you the contractors you will need to fix them. There’s even a DIY guide we call the scriptures, and when you don’t get it right (because you won’t at first) then you make the kind of call that works best on your knees. It won’t be tomorrow. But you are going to be magnificent when we are done. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Never say Cheese!!

Look at this!!
They have so many neat products. Look here too!!

I was talking to a woman that I admire very much- and who has been a massive resource for me since I changed my diet. She was a key point of change for me. She talked to me for a while about what I could and couldn't have, then pulled out a notepad and started making a list of what ready-made products were available for sale in my area and which stores to look for them in.

I made some pretty significant discoveries. Veganase has a Soy Free. I don't really love mayonase, but it does help increase the number of recipes that I can try. This can only be found at the near-ish health food specialty store (Sprouts Farmers Market). She also told me about something that changed a lot of things for me. Cheese that isn't anything like cheese, but tastes pretty similar, and has a good texture. She told me that I needed to look at the Daiya brand cheeses that they had in the Health Food section of my local Harmons Grocer. As I have shopped there I have slowly gained an appreciation for their selection of allergy free foods, not only in that corner of the store, but also just next to their full-allergy counterparts. Yogurt made from Coconut or Almond Milks. Yum. Great fake ice cream that tastes awesome! Crackers and granola that I can have, despite everything. Believe it or not, all these things blew my mind.

I'm so in love with Daiya, just because I can't think of anything that makes quick meals more accessable than a little cheese. It feels like I am making a real meal! I am also more likely to look forward to eating, instead of turning to a binge for something I know will make me feel icky, and always followed by a fear-of-food-reactions-purge-session. I am also less likely to skip a meal when I know something as quick and easy as a microwave potato and beans with shredded carrots, perhaps something green and leafy that can take a little heat, and (yay!) Cheese! The whole thing takes about 10 minutes. I can hardly get enough.

plus, Harmons has all of the kinds, the wedges, the slices, and the grated selections. They also have all the flavors of cream cheese spread, which I don't really need. But I like the idea that I could still make cheesecake or cream cheese icing if occasion... you know...occurred.

There are always setbacks with foods like this. It is not made from milk, and thus does NOT substitute for the proteins gained there. Also, while the fat used is a organic, natural form... it's still fatty (I don't know if it would make very good cheese if it wasn't). It's not really more virtuous than full-fat cheese, it just avoids a lot of the common allergies.

And it's yummy.

Love love love love.
Try it.

Jo Aich.

Friday, May 30, 2014

New Grains Gluten Free Bakery

-photo from the New Grains website
 For those of you who have given a try to Gluten Free bread only to find that it is either tastes like grass, or is very dry or is totally tasteless... go here. It might change your life.
I have felt every one of the above things, and I cannot seem to make a good loaf of my own bread to save my life (which, honestly, it might). So I talked to a good friend of mine who has recently discovered that she has Celiac Disease and she pointed me to Macey's Grocery where they sell this bakery's products.

There are so many options! They have rolls, hamburger buns, english muffins, special order cakes, sliced bread, cinnamon raisin bread, a good assortments of cookies and bars for individual sale and in packs... and so much more.
Individually packed cookies- photo from the New Grains Website

They even have an egg-free version of this always gluten, dairy and soy free sliced bread. Happy dance for me!! The downside is for me and other food fighters like me is that some of their other products do have soy, eggs and all of them have some sugar. Still- look through their products and their information, and you'll likely find something you'll love without pain. I did and I love this bakery!

Egg-Free version of sliced bread- photo from the New Grains Website

I have tried some of these products, but mostly I have had the sliced bread. The sourdough is delicious and so is the multigrain, but I buy the egg-free at least once a week. The bread is dense and moist, so I generally toast it for the max time on my cheap toaster- and I can honestly say that even then it still sticks to my teeth, but OH MAN. This bread tastes so good!

Also, just look under the New Grains Foundation tab on their site. They are working with other places to start a Gluten Free Culinary Institute training facility. I think with their ability to cater to this and other food sensitivities, I wonder if they'd let me in for night classes or something, because it is a GREAT idea.

I am officially a huge fan of New Grains Gluten Free Bakery, and I have found so many things to love there, and their pre-sliced bread makes my day, sometimes.