Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Everything Is Spiders

From Hyperbole and a half, which might be one of the funniest, and most honest depression story blogs ever...

It's a bit of a downer day. 

Today, everything is spiders. and my face is the same as 'not sounds.'

Even cute polar bears cuddling didn't make me smile. Why not? I don't know.

I'll just sign off this time.

Update: I cried a few hours later and everything was rather better thereafter. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Best Thing Ever

(to add to my massive pile of things all similarly labeled)


Here's the thing. If you don't have an eating disorder, than it's not YOUR thing, and this is only your post if you care about how one might be overcome. But I have been looking for this app for months, without being honest enough with my smart phone to bring up the results I actually needed.

Today, in my short lapse in belief that I would be able to face my pain and go to church despite it... I FOUND THIS. Then I sucked it up and went to church after all.

I have been fighting with my dietitian about "emotion charting" since day one. I don't want to do it. Even though I am 100% sure I will see some results from it. When I do get it done for one or two white-knuckle days, I don't do it well becuase I only count the food I eat and don't purge. I pay no attention to how I'm feeling when I'm binging.

As I am sure you can imagine... No results are forthcoming from this attitude.

I realized, that I have another addiction. My Smartphone. I went for so long telling myself that I didn't need one. Now I have one. I still think it's not necessary to life, but I can't imagine going back, either.

So, I started looking for a food-tracking, emotion charting, depression rating, chart forming and recovery helping app. Because, honestly, if I can do it on my phone- I might actually do it.

I found a few apps that track depression. Or moods. I did everything I could to customize them for ME. The problem with them all was the frequency of recorded check-ins. I couldn't find one under those topics that would let me track my emotions between each meal, snack, mood swing, whatever.

I typed in "eating disorder" this morning. Only a few things pulled up, but this GLORIOUS app was one of them. It calls itself RR (recovery records) and has a rather lovely geometric bird taking flight as it's logo.

It has what it calls "discrete reminders" to alert you when it is time to eat, record your emotions and if you insert a meal plan into the thing, it even tells you what foods you might partake of.

When you go in, it asks you a long (or short, depending on your customization. I'm a wreck, so mine is long) but simple to answer list of questions about your mood, your behaviors and even where, when and with whom you ate.

I have mine ask if I have drank water and gotten a little exercise since I last checked in.

NOW. This, as I am writing it, sound like a HUGE trigger. It's not that for me because, 1, I customized it to do these things. 2. I don't have to have done these things right, I just want to start tracking and identifying cause and effects. After that I can start applying 'coping skills' towards the correct emotional upheaval and find a way to stop the behaviors before I even start them.

This might not be for you, but I am thrilled because it will also help me keep more careful track of my food reactions, and might help me decide if some of them are having a psycholigial as well as physical effect on me.

Love and allergy friendly kisses,
Jo Aich

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Compliments, Your Food Allergies

A response to my letter to my food allergies.

I’ve heard it said that [things will] come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are [given what will] help us most to grow, if we let them… Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? Because I knew you, I have been changed for good. And just to clear the air, I ask forgiveness for the things I’ve done you blame me for. Then I guess, we know there’s blame to share, and none of it seems to matter anymore!   -Wicked


Only soup cans need labels (well, actually, because of us all food needs labels. Very detailed and accurate labels).
You have fought to give us a name, but maybe our name is just Johanna. Not “Judge Johanna for her digestive disabilities,” either. As far as we can tell, you are the only one trying to name us that anyway. We are a part of your life and a God-given part of you.
Stop trying to label us nonexistent or temporary. We might be, but the only difference that makes to you is in your refusal to get used to us, and we feel like invaders or bullies every time you encounter us.
We are only allergies, intolerances and delusions to others. To you we are just a part of who you are. Your body reacts to food. Blood tests and skin pricks won’t change us. A doctor can tell you what they think of us, a therapist can help you deal with us and a dietician will either understand us, or won’t. None of these things is going to shift the way that your body is.
Finally, stop letting ED tell you that he can make us go away. Just because your reaction can be avoided by throwing up instead of letting trigger foods fully into your system doesn’t change how your body will react to the trigger. Janna tried to tell you. It’s time to believe it. You can’t have an Eating Disorder OR us. We are a part of you that isn’t going anywhere right now.

Blame Game

We know you want your life to be our fault. Know that it is not. You have pain, suffering and ugliness even in a future where you have us under strict regulation.
We are also not your fault. We know how you feel about blaming God. This time, though, it was him. The real ugliness? That is just a bit of you and a whole heap of Satan. There is a quote that we think is a good analogy.

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

That’s us. We are just one of the contractors that Heavenly Father called in to make you into something better. We will get started as soon as you let go of the other contractors YOU hired. You keep trying to become what you were again, but unlike us, there is an outside agenda behind the contractors you brought in. They are not just cutting corners and overcharging blatantly, but beneath that they are doing damage to everything we have tried to build and crumbling the very foundations of everything you were before. Don’t call us thieves! We haven’t been the ones bullying you.
If you need to play the blame game, start with Satan. You might have thought you were doing the right thing when you invited him in, but you have to stop letting him take over this house. We aren’t here to tear you apart, those ‘besides-effects’ are just that, the necessary changes that come with heavy renovation. We are here to give you structure, teach you, and build you up. You have to start with a firm foundation, just like they tell you in church. We are of God, and we require a foundation that is of God, too.

Let There Be Light

You see that ‘light at tunnel’s end’ and we know you want it. We are here to help you get it. It is time to start accepting us, planning for us, and letting us do our jobs. You won’t be a bystander while we work, you are going to have to help us build you into a place where God can live. You have a long way to go to be ready for the extent of what we can bring to you, but there is something about doing things the right, slower way that leads to a better building. First, you have to stop calling in the other contractors. We cannot build where they have broken you while they are still here doing damage, but we can get you the contractors you will need to fix them. There’s even a DIY guide we call the scriptures, and when you don’t get it right (because you won’t at first) then you make the kind of call that works best on your knees. It won’t be tomorrow. But you are going to be magnificent when we are done. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fighting with Food.

Maybe it's time to fight USING food instead of fighting against food. Training commences tomorrow. :)

I'm a huge nerd. :D food fight starts at 6.10 and goes till about 10.40.

Here!! Go watch and LOVE.

(This photo is a product of roosterteeth inc.)
Yes. Those are turkeys on her fists, and he's got leeks. 

Seriously, though, I really enjoy RWBY. And this food fight.

Love and Allergy Friendly Kisses,

Jo Aich

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

GI- lookin' good?

Going in to let the drs. take a look at my entire GI system, just to see if there is anything bad going on in there, causing food allergies, caused by food allergies, caused by eating disorder... all the good stuff.

I'm scared. I'm also really excited. I hope there are some answers in there, and for once, no answer is an answer. It just means that the allergies are the only problem, I don't have to worry about something worse going on in my body and I can rest easy, and allergy free.

Update: the scope looked normal, so much relief to be sure that something horrible only FEELS like it's happening inside of me.

Love and Allergy Friendly Kisses,
Jo Aich

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thanks Colbie.


Thanks to you, and to all the celebreties that have started making a real stand against the media beauty ideal.

I could rant forever, but I won't. I'll just say that there is something wrong when the girls and women who are truly confident in who they are and how they look are a small minority. Sometimes when a celebrity who IS media beautiful even without their stylists tells us to accept who we are it's easy to think, "nice sentiment for someone who is already perfect."
The worst part is, they probably don't think so. I know I don't. I have struggled with the woman in the mirror for a long time, but lately I have watched her change. Not because my body has gone through a change, but because my mind has. I like the body I see because it's mine, and it is the body that my husband, my children and my good friends love.

So it's time to find value in ourselves.
Please. Find it. You deserve it.

Love and kisses for all the things about you, big and small,
Jo Aich.