I had meant at some point for this blog to become a place of healing and happy things.
It has become more of a venting place for my woes, I fear.
So, since things are going better and I'm getting my energy back since all the blood loss, I'm going to use you all as guinea pigs as I try something different.
drum roll please.
recipe blogging.
I'm going to need to learn how to write up directions, take careful account of everything I add to my recipes and take pictures that look nice (specifically of food, but this might apply to anything).
So, starting tomorrow I'm going to post one recipe every day (hold me accountable, guys, I really need the practice if this thing is going to happen), with pictures and with different formats.
I'll be experimenting with how a blogger goes about making their recipe easily printer-accessable.
I'll be copying different ideas from other food blogging sites on format for recipes, photos and how to do a write-up of the cooking experience.
I'm so excited I could blow a gasket!
I hope I don't though. Since I don't have one and blowing the human equivalent seems... wrong.
This is my plea. Comment as I experiment. Let me know what you don't like, specifically. Let me know if you really do like something a lot.
Love and allergy friendly kisses,
Jo Aich.
On the topic of printer-friendly formatting: I don't print recipes anymore. Now that we have a tablet and iPhone that I can easily have in the kitchen with me, I love when recipes online are mobile friendly. To me, this means I don't have to do insane amounts of scrolling to get through the recipe, etc. I appreciate the step-by-step with photos when I'm making something for the first time, but I love it when they also have the simple list of ingredients and instructions (like what you see in a regular cookbook, NOT step-by-step tutorial) at the end of the post. Then if I'm feeling confident, I can just skip to that part and not have to touch my screen with messy fingers as often.